Today is International Beer Day, a day that celebrates beer and brewing all over the world! Since it first started all the way back in the nearly prehistoric year of 2008, International Beer Day has been bringing people together in over 200 countries. This is a day set aside to celebrate the dedicated men and women who brew and serve our beer, and to bring the world together by celebrating beers of all nations and cultures.
Now, you might be thinking “Why is a coffee company posting about beer?”
This is why!

If you hadn’t heard, we teamed up with Rio Bravo Brewing Company here in Albuquerque to create a beer using our coffee, and this is the result! A porter brewed with American and English pale, caramel, and chocolate malts, combined with our fresh roasted Traditional Piñon coffee beans, this beer has a delicate balance of flavors and aromas with a hint of piñon that will refresh coffee and beer drinkers alike.

At the end of last year Rio Bravo started putting our collaboration in cans, and throughout the past few months their distribution has spread even further through New Mexico (and beyond, thanks to awesome fans).

We’re incredibly proud to be part of this collaboration, and honored to see the love that has been shown to our coffee and the beer made with it (rated 3.87 on Untappd, just sayin’).
Brew up some coffee, crack open a cold one, and lift your mugs with a “Cheers” to another year of awesome beer with many more to come!

Drake Miller is the Director of Creative Projects for New Mexico Piñon Coffee.